It’s so difficult to deal with any loss in life on a personal level. But we are experiencing the loss of so much right now on a global scale, that life can feel downright scary.
Our freedom to leave our homes, job loss, and financial loss across the globe is creating panic and anxiety for so many. Not including the fear of losing people close to us and/or the fear of getting sick.
These fears can stop us in our tracks.
Moving one foot in front of the other can be so difficult. You may vacillate between being motivated to use this time at home to clean out your messiest closet and not being able to muster the energy to open the refrigerator and eat something.
You may have lost your job, lost money due to the market changes and feel isolated at home not being able to see loved ones. You may have lost loved ones from being sick.
It’s a very difficult time to navigate.
I wrote in my previous post which you can read HERE, the meaning behind all of this.
It is a time to turn inward. It’s a time to reflect on what is truly important in your life and how you want to move forward from here.
Your life is not the same as it was three weeks ago. We are entering a new realm of existence and those that heed the call, will go on to create a life that is on purpose and get on the path to fulfilling their destiny.
Those who don’t heed this call, will struggle and find that life gets harder.
This is not meant to create more fear, but to urge you to take this time to go within. Your heart and soul is calling you to get re-acquainted. Life on the hamster wheel of doing, doing, doing, is not living. You will not reach your highest potential by ignoring your deepest feelings and truths.
During times of uncertainty, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to fix things or make plans or think that doing this or that will get you back on safer ground.
Our minds are wired to find solutions.
The problem with our minds going in circles to come up with an alternate plan is that we don’t see the whole picture.
Tapping into Divine wisdom is where you WILL get your answers.
Stopping during your panic (which I know is not easy), and breathing into your heart and connecting to Divine Source, will calm you.
You will then be able to ask questions and receive answers that will guide you onto your purposeful path.
Sometimes, you will get an answer to just STOP. Take each moment as it comes. There may be nothing to do right now which can be very unsettling. Trust the process though because you WILL be guided to take the next step when it’s time.
The other night, when my daughter was with her father and I was home alone, I turned on Netflix. I wanted to find something to watch that was positive and inspiring to keep my energy up.
I found Brene Brown’s documentary where she talks about vulnerability and how stepping out of our comfort zone and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is where courage begins.
We are all clearly out of our comfort zone.
And it does take courage to dive deep within and look at how we’ve been, up until this point, living our lives. There is heartbreak, grief, regret, sadness, rage, resentment among other emotions swirling around inside that have never been dealt with.

This is the time to do it.
The first step may be to ground yourself. You can do this by being in this moment right now and nowhere else. Feel where your body is. If you are sitting on the couch, feel your backside and legs sinking into the warm, cozy fabric, smell the richness and taste the creaminess of your morning coffee, read these words one by one.
Keeping yourself focused on each moment will keep you calm. All we have is the here and now. There is no future. We create the future moment by moment.
The beautiful upside to all of this, is that you CAN create a future that you never would have thought about if life didn’t shake us up to listen closely.
This is a very uncertain time, but also an exciting time. Depends on how you look at it.
Your perspective is what will reveal your future.
With Divine guidance, you will see things through a new lens. There is a new vision for your life if you stay open to all possibilities.
This time won’t last.
The pandemic will end and life will go on.
But do we really want it to go on in the same manner? I know I don’t.
I have been living with uncertainty since my divorce and I’ve learned how to navigate uncertain times and have been living day by day.
So many of us have plans for our lives months and even years ahead. I realized quickly during my divorce, that the life I had been living was over. The future in front of me went black. I couldn’t find any of the answers on how to continue on “out there.” I knew I needed to step onto a new path and be guided from within.
And still, I find myself wanting to know what’s up ahead. It’s times like these that help me to pause and go deeper within to trust my heart and soul. To truly know that if I follow my sacred path, I will be Divinely guided on the path that was meant for me.

It takes courage to go within and follow your Divine path.
Seeking support can help you learn how to listen to the whispers of your heart and cancel out the noise of the world. During these times, having support can make all the difference. Schedule a FREE call today by clicking here.
You may not know what’s around the bend, but the journey can be beautiful. Find the beauty around you today and notice how full your heart becomes.
It truly is a time to listen closely to what your Soul has been trying to tell you. It’s unique for each individual and that is why you must go WITHIN. Your life map is yours and can be uncovered in the pocket of your own heart.
Wishing you calm and peace during this time and always,
P.S. Positive Quote of the Day: “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates
Grab a copy of my FREE 7-STEP BLUEPRINT to learn how to navigate life and create lasting change during these uncertain times.