When we face a crisis in our personal life, it feels like we are alone in our suffering. We feel so many emotions around feeling like we failed ourselves in some way. I’ve talked a lot about how heartbreak from a significant break-up or divorce can be a wake-up call to uncover all that is blocking you from showing up as authentically YOU.
Heartbreak and divorce is the shaker of all shakers and you may be feeling so unsettled due to these life changes you are experiencing. You walk around trying to find some normalcy again. To get back to the old you. Your fear of the unknown takes on a life of its own.
Then we get hit with a world crisis so large and looming, it can feel as if life will never get better. It feels like we got hit with so much more to deal with.
If you are a single working mom, there are now increasing pressures to figure out how to pay your bills if you are quarantined, how to manage child-care if your child or children’s school closes. There are so many more pressures, it can feel like your life is imploding.
My first reaction was fear just like everyone around me.
Then I stopped for a moment and really felt on a deep level that this crisis across the globe is shaking us ALL up in order to get rid of the old belief systems we’ve been used to both individually and globally. It’s essentially a global WAKE-UP CALL.
Suspend your fear for just a moment and consider the implications of all that is occurring due to the Coronavirus crisis. We are being asked to stay home. Events are being cancelled across the world. We are being forced to slow down.
When you get still and quiet, is when you connect to your inner world. The norm of running through life day after day trying to catch our breath because of all our responsibilities isn’t working anymore. We are being called to stop and re-evaluate.
This is another opportunity to look at how you are living your life. It’s an opportunity to also look around your community and the world and be a support to others in need. Giving up some of your toilet paper to your neighbors in need is just a start. (The whole toilet paper issue has me stumped). Because hoarding and looking out for only yourself is the old model that is being shaken to its core.
This is a time and an opportunity for all of us to come together. Be real and authentic with your concerns and worries. Ask for support. Be the support that others need. The old way of only looking out for ourselves behind the guise of surviving isn’t working any longer.
Even your fear around money loss due to this crisis is a call for you to go within and release your dependency on it. Yes, we need money to live and pay our bills. But knowing you have the ability and power within to manifest all that you need and want will calm you in the midst of the crisis. The Universe is a YES universe. It will support you at all times as you go within and trust the process.
Look at how you are feeding and moving your body. We are being called to live in a higher state of being THAN EVER BEFORE. If we resist the energy pushing us higher, we will suffer.
If we resist making the changes to improve our health, improve our finances, improve our relationships, improve our self-worth and self-love, we will suffer.

If you have fear around contracting the virus and being gravely ill, go within and pray for the fear to be released. Take good care of yourself and then let go because worry and fear can weaken your immune system.
Letting go of fear can happen when you live in the moment. This time is all about taking it step by step. I recently watched Frozen II with my daughter and what stood out for me was the message of “do the next right thing.” That’s what we are being called to do during this crisis; “the next right thing.”
It’s not just about us individually. Everyone is suffering. It’s an opportunity to know we are all in this together. We are all one. Maybe you’ve heard this before and never fully grasped this concept. But we are all part of the Divine matrix of life. What is good for you; truly good for you, is good for the people around you and the world.
By going within and listening to your own inner voice, you will KNOW in your heart what the next right thing is for you.
The old model of being consists of going through life following the lead of others, focusing on organizing our life so nothing bad happens and have it all tidied up in a neat little box with a bow on top. At least this is what so many of us strive for. When we’ve attempted to change our lives, we feel a huge overhaul is needed at once and when we don’t do it perfectly, we give up.
The new model is about going within and following the wisdom of your heart and soul. Then taking that wisdom and doing the next right thing step by step, hour by hour, day by day. Trust that Spirit and the Universe will show you the way.
Because when you follow your inner guidance and take the steps you are being guided to take, your life WILL transform. You will then show up in a way that positively impacts those around you.
By doing the inner work of releasing the old model of being, we are rising to higher levels consciousness. As we shine our light out into the world, we support others in doing the same.

This is how this crisis can be a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for the change that is very much needed in our world today.
Do your part. Be the guiding light. You are equipped with all you need to navigate through your life no matter what your current circumstances are and through this crisis. And by doing your part, the world can unite in a way it never has before.
Wishing you so much love,
Positive Quote for the Day: “Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” -Ryunosuke Satoro