I remember the night I discovered my husband’s affair and the pain and agony that shot through my mind and body. It was beyond devastating and I immediately confronted him. When I realized my worst nightmare was true due to the expression on his face, I felt my heart break into a million little pieces.
I went downstairs into my living room and it felt as if the shield I had built up around my heart and soul was what TRULY shattered into a million pieces, not my heart. Everything that I was hiding from myself and the world, spilled out onto the floor in front of me.
I remember feeling so fearful and vulnerable. There was no way I could stuff it all back in and continue to pretend that I was okay or that my life was. It was the beginning of finding out who I truly was and being “broken open” was what I needed to step onto this healing journey.
There is a tenderness that comes out of being broken. Everything around me felt fragile and I felt a vulnerability I’d never experienced before. My heart was out in the open. I couldn’t hide my feelings of grief and sadness and this allowed me to connect to others closest to me in a more authentic way. I was humbled. And I knew I had the choice to shut down my heart again and build a new wall or use this time to excavate deeper within in order to heal old wounds.
It took a while before I could begin to see the gifts that came out of being broken open. It was a time of self-exploration and healing on a deeper level in order to step into my truest self.
I felt things on a deeper level. I felt connected to people around me, even strangers, once my heart was released from behind my self-imposed wall of protection. I’m sure I put the wall up after experiencing my first heartbreak in my teens hoping to never feel the pain of heartbreak again. But I had closed off a huge part of myself to the world and felt disconnected a lot of the time. Having my marriage implode was what I needed to get back to the core of who I was.
I believe that trauma such as heartbreak and the grief of your marriage ending is a time for you to stop for a moment and reflect on how you’ve been living your life up until this point. What have you been hiding from yourself and the world? What old wounds are trying to get your attention in order for you to finally heal them?
Asking yourself these questions will begin to open you up to the healing energy of the Universe. By using this time to heal, rather than go back to your usual ways, you will show up as YOU. You can begin right now by making the decision to embrace the very essence of who you are. This is when the magic of making your dreams come true happen.

Once you learn who you really are and step out into the world as your authentic self, you will gain greater clarity of what you value most. You can then use this sacred knowledge of who you are to re-build your life into something real and satisfying.
- This is a time to nourish yourself and allow yourself time to grieve. There is no time limit on grief and feeling your way through the pain is how you come out the other side put back together stronger than you ever were.
- The person that left you or that you left is in the past for a reason. Your time with them is over. Do not look back with regret, but only with eyes that are looking for the lessons. Remember this: the reason you are no longer with the person that broke you is that there is someone and something better waiting for you on the other side of the mountain. This is a time of shedding the layers of the old you so you can emerge as the new you.
- Spirit has greater plans for your life. Use this time to uncover your deepest purpose. Remembering that everything that happens is all part of the Divine Plan for your life can help ease your despair. If you feel regret or feel that you didn’t make the right choice or follow your inner voice when you entered the relationship, just know that you breaking open was meant to get you back on your rightful path.
- Use this time to connect with others in a more meaningful and authentic way. Find someone you trust who you can confide in. If you feel the urge to be alone, use your time to connect with Spirit which will open you up to peace and calm. Use this time to explore a deeper connection to the Universal energy through meditation or yoga.
- Focus on being grateful for what is in your life right in this moment. Stay positive by focusing on the good that is still in your life. Do everything in your power to stay positive and direct your mindset to what is now possible.
If you need additional support, grab your copy of “Unlock Your Destiny After Heartbreak and Divorce: Your 30-Day Prescription.”
Please comment below and share what has or has not worked for you on your healing journey from heartbreak.
Wishing you so much love,
Positive Quote of the Day: “You think you’re being broken, but you’re really being broken open…and that’s where the healing happens, in those broken places…if you’ll allow it.” -Jane Fonda