Your role as single mom can help heal the world and just hearing that sentence may seem so out of touch with reality. Between working hard to balance work,
Your role as single mom can help heal the world and just hearing that sentence may seem so out of touch with reality. Between working hard to balance work,
I remember when I was in the throes of severe heartache after my marriage imploded, I couldn’t find joy anywhere. I would see someone doing something simple such as reading
You have finally arrived at the moment when your divorce is official. When everything you have needed to do to separate yourself legally and formally from your ex is complete.
Changing how we view divorce can make the difference between a time of despair and struggle to a time of inner reflection and healing. Divorce can be a catalyst to
After divorce, there are so many unknowns and uncertainties. The one thing you can be certain of is that change will continue to happen on a frequent basis. When I
I have been asked often, “how do you get over the ending of an 18-year, 25-year, or 35-year marriage? My initial response is the same way you get over any loss.
My first miscarriage happened when I was 41 and I was scared. Scared that my dream of having my own child would not come true. Why had it taken so long to
I have been asked numerous times how long one should wait to date after a divorce. This is not a question that has a definitive answer. It is truly up to each
Everyone has been through a lot this past year. The stress levels on a personal level have reached levels we have not seen before in our lifetime. As a single mom the beginning