There are 5 powerful questions you can ask yourself after divorce to help you move forward and create a life you love. If you find yourself in the aftermath of divorce, asking yourself questions will help you move forward in a powerful way.
It is difficult to move forward when you feel “stuck” in any or all areas of your life. You may be holding onto being the victim because of the demise of your marriage. Or you may be ruminating on what went wrong and what you could have done differently. None of the above will help you move forward to create a life you love.
No matter what happened, who did what, you are now faced with making different choices. The choices you make determine the way the rest of your life will go.
Many women I know struggle with moving forward after divorce and continue to go down the roads that lead to nowhere.

I realized no one was coming to save me or help me make the choices I needed to make. It was all up to me. At first it felt so scary, but then it was exhilarating knowing I could manifest whatever I truly wanted.
I imagined living in a brand new home again in a neighborhood for my daughter to grow up in. With the market the way it was for years, I felt it would never happen. I got very clear on my intentions for what I wanted, kept visualizing how I wanted my home to look, and made choices as if I already owned it. The timeline from the moment I made my intention to closing on my new home was 6 months.
This fueled my trust in myself and my Higher Power that I could manifest again. After my divorce, I lost trust in my ability to manifest what I wanted. I kept saying, “my manifesting tool broke.”
My new home and the serendipity of it all filled me with hope again.
This hope is now translating to other areas of my life and I feel filled with an inner strength that comes from truly trusting in myself. Our trust erodes if we continually say we will do something and then don’t. For example, you have a goal to exercise more and you plan to get up earlier each day to walk. Then you hit your snooze button, wake up late berating yourself, and start your day off on the wrong foot.

When I realized it was all up to me, I began asking myself these powerful questions after my divorce to get me moving in the direction I wanted to go.

Here are 5 Powerful Questions to ask yourself after divorce to help you move forward in a powerful way and to help you map out your new path to creating a life you love:
Question #1: What do I need to do, be, or have to become the person I dream of being?

The first powerful question after divorce is who do you want to be now? Our personalities are not fixed. We can change from the inside out despite what others may say or believe. I had a friend once tell me she didn’t believe people could change. Her degree was in Psychology. I understood on some level what she meant. There are many people who don’t have the drive and commitment to make the changes they desire. It’s too hard. Most people are searching for the quick fix. Spoiler Alert: there isn’t one. It is about committing to what you desire and then doing the work needed to make those changes. It is all up to you.
What do you need to do to make the changes necessary to become the person you desire? What do you need to have? How can you go about making sure you have all that you need to become who were meant to be? These are all questions in this category of becoming your best self. Use a journal to keep track of your answers. Trust your answers because they are coming from your Higher Self. Learning to trust this process is critical to going from your self-imposed cocoon to transitioning into your highest potential.
Question #2: What is my new role in life after divorce?

Your new role as a single woman, a single mom, or divorced person is only the title used by society. We don’t have to fit into it as defined by others. You can create who you want to be whenever you decide it’s time to become that person. After divorce is the perfect time to reinvent yourself and become the person you have only imagined. It takes work, but the rewards of showing up as the person you desire are great.
Question #3: In what ways can I use my past experiences to heal now and move forward?

After divorce, self-reflection is crucial to learning about yourself. In what way did you contribute to the ending of your marriage? This is not about self-blame, but deep self-inquiry so you can heal those patterns that may keep showing up for you in your life. It’s incredibly important to become aware of the ways you are engaging with others and even yourself. There are many tools and modalities to help you dive deep into your subconscious to heal and release old inner programming and limiting beliefs and create new ones to live an empowered life. If you need support uncovering what is standing in your way from moving forward, check out Your Happily Ever After Divorce Story.
Question #4: What steps can I make today to move forward after divorce?

You can begin to move forward by taking one small step in one area of your life. This is how we make lasting change and transform how we are living. Choose one area and ask yourself, “what is one thing I can do differently this week?” Then plan it out and make the change. The following week, make another change. Each change you make, you will be building from the foundation up. Making these small, incremental changes will help you keep the momentum going.
Question #5: What impact do I want my life to have in the coming years?

This question can uncover your deepest purpose for your life. What big dreams can you resurrect? What can you begin to dream about now for your life? The answers are endless. There are limitless possibilities for your life and it is never too late to begin on the path to your greatest self. You can rewrite your story to one you love and adore.
One positive decision moving forward can have a ripple effect on your life and those around you. Don’t underestimate the power of making one small change to move you forward on your path to fulfill your highest potential.
Learning how powerful it is to ask yourself some tough questions after divorce will help you continue to grow on a personal and professional level. It will help you learn how to trust your inner voice because you will get answers to your questions and once you have the answers, you must take action.
Your life did not end with the ending of your marriage. You can recreate your life to one you love no matter where you are starting from.
Would love to know what questions you are asking yourself after divorce in order to move forward. Please comment below. I would love to hear from you.
Wishing you so much love,

Positive Quote of the Day: “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” -Joseph Campbell