You have finally arrived at the moment when your divorce is official. When everything you have needed to do to separate yourself legally and formally from your ex is complete. You may have thought you would feel relieved, or the grief would finally go away, yet you find yourself in a void of emptiness. You are no longer the person you were when you were married.
You may even wonder who you really are.
This time after the divorce is final is a great time for deep introspection.
Who do you want to be?
How do you want to show up in your life?
Divorce wipes the slate clean and you get to co-create your deepest heart’s desires.

I know you may be thinking this isn’t possible because you are still struggling with immense sadness and grief. You may be struggling financially as a newly single mom. Or you may look at the aftermath and wonder how your life turned out the way it did.
Moving on after divorce is a process and does not just suddenly happen.
What if you committed the next 6 weeks to 3 months of your life focusing on your healing journey?
Making a commitment to yourself to heal your heartbreak whether you are still missing your ex and/or grieving the loss of the life you thought you had, is a powerful message to the Universe that you are ready to move forward in a powerful way.
After dealing with all the legal stuff you have had to deal with, this list is about YOU and making changes that make you feel good about yourself again.

- Start working out if you haven’t yet. Working out even if it’s just walking for 10-15 minutes can boost your mood. The chemical dopamine is released which is the “feel good” hormone. Exercising regularly can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Plan self-care acts each week or month that you can look forward to. It doesn’t have to cost a lot and can even be free. The point is to take great care of yourself and nurture your soul. Check out Self-Care for the Single Mom for ideas.
- Change your wardrobe. Again, this does not have to cost a lot. Buying a few new pieces for your wardrobe can make a huge difference. Check out stores like TJ Maxx or Marshall’s to save even more money.
- Change your career to one you love. Start by taking a training in an area that you are very interested in. Believing that it’s too late to change careers or jobs is just a limiting belief that can be banished. What are some things that make you feel good? What special talents or gifts do you believe you have?
- Plan a trip. If money is an issue, plan a day trip. Choose a destination that is close by; someplace you’ve never been. Call a friend and pool your resources to get away whether for the day or weekend. Changing your scenery and getting out of the house can be a game-changer. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you.
Would love to hear your ideas and what changes you made after divorce. By sharing your ideas in the comments, you can help other women. We are all inter-connected and can be a great support and inspiration for other women struggling with heartbreak.
Wishing you so much love,

Positive Quote of the Day: “Just because the process hurts doesn’t mean the results won’t be beautiful.” -Unknown