Have you ever wondered why the same things keep showing up in your life?
The same type of heartbreak?
The same type of person?
The same type of experiences?
It seems your life is going in circles even though you have been working on healing yourself, reading self-help books, going to conferences, taking online courses.
Yet nothing really changes.
You keep experiencing the same feelings and the same thoughts keep circulating in your mind. Even with all the positive affirmations you are saying.
If you are experiencing heartbreak after a significant break-up or divorce, I want you to take a moment and just STOP.
Stop trying to figure it out and running to the next thing that you think will be the thing that heals you once and for all. Stop trying to fix yourself.
You are not broken. There is NOTHING wrong with you.
The reason you haven’t yet been able to make the self-help books and the positive affirmations work is because you are not going to the source of the problem.
What IS the SOURCE of the problem?
Your inner programming. The stuff, beliefs, ideas, thoughts that are not even all your own.
We come into the world as a source of light and have a clean slate. We pick up limiting beliefs, strategies to survive and toxic patterns from our parents, extended family, teachers, friends and the media. These beliefs, strategies and patterns cover up the Divine light, which is who we really are, and essentially we fall asleep.
Until we are awake enough to realize what is really going on, we continue to function in the world based on all of this inner programming.
The important thing to remember, is that all that is in your life right now, is NOT your fault. Forget the Law of Attaction, that if not understood fully, causes most of us to feel like we are to blame entirely for the situation we may now find ourselves in when heartbreak occurs.
It is true that we do create our own reality. But if you don’t know what you don’t know, how is that your fault?
The problem with feeling guilty when you begin to understand that you do create your own reality, is it can keep you stuck in guilt and regret.
What if your heartbreak occurred so you can FINALLY heal and release all of the inner programming that is creating what you DON’T want in your life?
This is the true purpose of your heartbreak.

Once you become aware of all that is deep within your subconscious (that many people don’t even know is there until a traumatic event like heartbreak gets their attention), you can let it go.
An analogy I use describes the inner programming as a neon sign within that you don’t even know is sending messages out into the world and attracting things, people and circumstances to show up. These things, people or circumstances are attracted by what you are unknowingly sending out to the Universe.
This is why if you don’t become aware of what you are sending out, you keep having more of the same show up.
When you do inner work to heal and release this inner programming, you unplug the artificial lights of the neon sign and you get to reprogram yourself with your natural state of Divine light to ATTRACT and MANIFEST what you DO want in your life.
Recognizing that you have this inner programming within is the first step to transforming your life.

You not only deserve to feel happy, joyful, successful and abundant, it is your birthright. You don’t need to do anything to deserve what you desire. You just need to clear away and UNCOVER all that is blocking your true essence to shine brightly once again.
Wishing you so much love,

Positive Quote of the Day: “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why.” -Mark Twain
Or you can grab your copy of “Feeling Whole Again: A Woman’s Odyssey to Unlocking Joy and Thriving After Divorce” which explains 5 powerful principles to heal after heartbreak and move forward to create a life you love and adore. It’s the foundation of the deeper work I do with clients in my private coaching sessions. So start HERE!