Do you ever feel stuck, unable to move, to focus or to see a future? You are not alone. After divorce, one of the things I hear the most from women is that they feel stuck. You are thrown into this new world without a map and the shock of all it can keep us spinning in circles for a long time.
The thing that keeps us stuck is FEAR. It’s a feeling that is so heavy, it almost paralyzes us. When we are in a cycle of fear, it’s almost impossible to make a decision. And everyday we are faced with an onslaught of decisions. This seems to increase if you were also plunged into the world of single motherhood.
I’ve had my share of fear and anxiety that overpowers me at times. This got worse after the divorce was final. Once I moved and had to step into my new role as a single mom to my daughter, I felt like I was in quicksand on a daily basis.
So what do you do when you have so much fear and you know it’s wreaking havoc on your life?
Check out these 5 tips to quickly move out of fear into a sea of calm and peace.
Look within for the answer
When you are in a state of fear or anxiety, it’s usually because you are looking at the external world for answers. Everything in the physical world feels true and real. So if you are looking at your life after your divorce through the lens of what your physical reality looks like, it can amp up your fear. But your physical world is an illusion. Your physical world in front of and all around you is the effect of what is going on within you. You can quickly change your physical world by going within to find and heal the beliefs and unconscious patterns that are creating and re-creating fear and anxiety.
Surrender to what is
Those 9 little letters in the word surrender can cause your heart to skip a beat. I know how difficult it can be to truly surrender to what is right in front of you. And it may seem counter-intuitive to what I just wrote about your physical world being an illusion. But you must first completely accept what IS in order to calmly and clearly see what’s been in your way all along.
Fear is a form of control. We feel if we don’t do something or plan for every consequence, the worst will happen. But we aren’t in control of a lot of things. The one thing we can control is our thoughts and our ability to trust in a power greater than us. This is when surrender and manifestation meet.
When you focus within and begin to change your thoughts about beliefs that have been embedded from childhood and then surrender and trust in a Higher Power, your whole world will change. This is when you are able to manifest what you truly desire and how you want your life to be after heartbreak and divorce.
Trust Your Inner Voice
When you surrender, you allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you once again. Remember those times where you felt at ease, joyful and like you could accomplish anything? You were in the flow of the Universal energy which is always available. When we choose fear instead, the lights go out and we cannot feel or see this energy. We essentially turn it off. But you have the power at every moment to turn the switch back on.
When you do remain connected to the Universal energy, you will be able to hear your inner voice more clearly. You can trust this voice to guide you through each day which will quickly extinguish your fear. Because when you are tapped in and trusting, there is nothing to fear. You will be making decisions based on this truthful inner knowing which is always leading you on your Divine path.
Every time you don’t follow your inner wisdom and guidance, you lose your personal power and energy. And then because you didn’t follow your intuition, fear sets in because you are not on your rightful path.
Take Great Care of Yourself
Focusing on taking great care of yourself will keep you in the present moment. What does it mean to take great care of yourself? If you need to cry because you are feeling sad, angry or fearful, you allow yourself to cry. You may crawl into bed because you need a reprieve from life and you need the release of shedding tears. Being gentle with yourself as you journey forward is crucial to living your life by Divine Design.
There is no need to push something to happen or to beat yourself up. Great self-care is part of your journey to great self-love.

Ask for help and support
Asking for help after the divorce may feel scary. You may feel you already maxed out your quota for help and support during the divorce. After the divorce is final and you are thrown into a new world, asking for help may feel like you are burdening others. And that you should be able to do it on your own. But asking for help even to process the emotions you are going through will help you feel lighter which will allow you to more easily connect with the Universal flow of energy.
There are only two main energies in the world and that is love and fear. Choose love each moment for yourself, for your children, for all of the people around you. Stay in the moment when fear strikes and breathe through it and come back and read this post again and again to remind yourself there are other options than to stay stuck in fear.
Wishing you so much love,
Positive Quote of the Day: “I let go of all fear and doubt, and life becomes simple and easy for me.” -Louise Hay
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