Find Your True Essence

Be True to You!

I went to my Sunday morning yoga class a few days ago and each week my instructor reads from the Bhagavad Gita, which is a 700 verse Hindu Scripture that

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Find Your True Essence

A New Day is Dawning!

We are being asked to raise our vibrational frequency with an urgency that is evident with the disasters that are happening all around us.  As a collective consciousness, we can

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Find Your True Essence

Oh Joy!

I was perusing a parent magazine today and the word Joy kept jumping out at me.  "Discover the Joy", "Joy is in Bloom" (love this one), "Treasuring every day Joy",

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Living with Integrity

One definition of integrity is "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles."  A physical description of integrity is unimpaired and complete.  According to Wiki, "Integrity comes from

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First Steps

  When you take even one small step in the direction of your dreams, the Universe supports you.  With each small step, you gain momentum and after only a short while

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