This week I thought I'd write a little about resentment. This has been coming up for me this past week and I have been working on healing it so it
This week I thought I'd write a little about resentment. This has been coming up for me this past week and I have been working on healing it so it
It's a strange thing when life knocks you down to your knees. It feels as though you are sinking into a dark, black hole from which there is no return.
Everything that happens during your day is a reflection of what is happening within. It's a good idea to pay attention to events and circumstances that present themselves to you.
This morning I went to the grocery store with my daughter for our weekly trip. I had a cart filled with groceries and at check-out, there seemed to be only
I recently took a trip down to Long Island to visit family. Later that day I was returning from Long Island and had to go through New York City to
When life hands me lemons and I just cannot make lemonade on my own, I turn to the infamous Serenity Prayer: God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I
I recently read a story in which a woman was explaining the difference between she and her husband. Her philosophy in life was summed up with KISS. An acronym for
I am in the middle of a four-day hormonal re-set cleanse which is perfect timing for the launch of Alisa Vitti's paperback version of her book Woman Code: Perfect Your
When you are doing work you love and have passion for it, you know you are doing work you were meant to do. Every single person has unique gifts and