Get to know
Lisa Bruchac

Welcome! I'm Lisa Bruchac
My mission is to help women heal from heartbreak and divorce to FINALLY live a life they love and experience the joy and happiness that is their birthright!
- You are in the right place if you feel pain, grief, despair, overwhelm, and guilt after heartbreak and divorce
- You are struggling with how to move forward and begin living your life again
- You feel isolated, alone, and don't know where to turn and feel unsure of yourself and the world around you

Snag your FREE Blueprint right here!
Unlock Your Destiny with your FREE 7-Step Blueprint to heal from heartbreak and divorce!
You CAN have what you desire - I've been there too!
I experienced the biggest hit of my life when I discovered my husband was having an affair 7 years ago and I thought at that moment that I hit rock bottom. And yet, that didn’t do it completely. It was bit by bit, as I tried to hold my marriage together over the next several months until I found myself lying on my bathroom floor one morning two weeks after my husband left. I couldn’t move, my vitality for life vanished and I was terrified.
Then came the glimpse of the light that allowed me to get up. I stopped crying abruptly, pushed myself upright with my sister helping me up and that was the day I began to heal. I initially thought my heartbreak was a catalyst to save our marriage with us working together to heal and create a stronger, healthier relationship. It wasn’t. The relationship served as a vehicle to get me to a place to heal myself and create a more loving, authentic relationship with me.
I used my divorce as a catalyst for creating great change in my life. I knew I needed to look within to find the answers I was looking for.

The Journey Began
At the age of 7, I realized that I “knew” things that others didn’t. I could feel people’s energy and “see” things others couldn’t. I didn’t have the words to describe my experiences then, although years later I’m finally understanding my intuitive abilities. For many years, I discounted my feelings and did not always trust my inner wisdom. But when I did listen and follow my inner voice, it ALWAYS led me to where I needed to be.
On my path, I’ve read books, attended work-shops and have had counseling on and off for years. Yet, there was always an underlying feeling that I was not safe to share my true feelings. I felt confused on what I was feeling due to having people in my life telling me their “truth” and invalidating what I was feeling.
It took the breakdown of my marriage for me to trust myself implicitly. And I can tell you that living from this inner knowing has led me on a path where I have had the most profound transformation I’ve ever experienced. I am living from a higher place and forging forward with a new found confidence that comes from knowing I am always supported and Divinely guided.
Along my path, I’ve had several times where I thought I was at the bottom, in the caverns of the darkest, scariest places within; the place deep within that feels as if your insides are burning up.
I thought I had reached the bottom when I experienced a deep, dark cloud of depression that took my vitality away when I was 26; I thought I hit bottom several months after my daughter was born when I lost several important relationships in my life through death and through letting go of what I thought I had with others in my family.
I believe we experience these periods of time in our lives to heal and release and let go of all that isn’t working and replace it with a higher vibration of love.
Each time we get a little closer.
But then there’s a big hit. A time that breaks you so that the only thing left to do is rebuild in a way that makes you stronger. It’s not easy. It’s deep soul level work.
It wasn’t until that fateful night when I discovered my husband’s affair, that I felt as if everything I was holding onto in my life, spilled out onto the floor in front of me. All of my limiting beliefs, lack of self-love, and my need to control what was happening in my life showed up in full view that night. It was what I needed to truly begin to “wake up” to who I really was.
And coming out the other side when you are put back together in a way that you show up differently in your life, you show up as YOU, is the Divine gift that comes from breaking.
How I can help YOU!
When you hit rock bottom, it is scary. There’s nowhere else to go, but up. And as cliche’ as that sounds, it’s true. Its the trying to remember that when you’re in the deep, dark pit of despair.
If you’ve experienced heartbreak, divorce, and/or betrayal and hit rock bottom, just know you are not alone.
Although our journey’s are unique to who we are, I know you’re pain.
I know the devastation.
And I know how to help you heal to create a beautiful, authentic relationship with yourself. It’s only then, can you attract all that you desire in your life. Because you’ll be a magnet for your desires from a place that’s like crystal inside you-glimmering with light and joy.
Check out my e-book below:

Get to know me better!
- I love to read and have several books all over my house going at once
- I love to write and it fulfills my soul
- I have a beautiful daughter and I love being her mom
- I'm passionate about holistic health and healing and use essential oils which are also all over my house (check out Essential Oils tab)
- I eat organic whenever possible and eat a gluten and dairy free diet and I'm always on the lookout for new recipes
- I feel nourished when I'm outside especially in the winter
- I don't like folding laundry so I usually don't and we live out of the laundry basket
Want to know more?
Now that you know me a little better, why not reach out and see if we might be a good fit? I'll give you guidance as to which next step you should take.