With the world still in a place of so much uncertainty, you may find yourself overwhelmed. And if you are also navigating the path of heartbreak due to a break-up or divorce, the overwhelm can spike to levels of “danger ahead.” It can feel like everything around you is falling apart.

And it may be.

Because the old life that is falling apart is no longer meant for you. It’s now time to go forward and find out who you really are and who you are meant to be.

And to build anew.

When you are caught up in the overwhelm and things feel like they are spiraling out of your control, the last thing you can think of is how to find out who you really are.

I know when I am feeling so overwhelmed, I don’t know which way to turn, I forget that all I need to find the serenity I’m frantically looking for is within me.

This place of stillness and calm that you are frantically searching for is inside of YOU. This is the place that will answer your questions of who you are and where to go next.

Sometimes we need to begin with our outer surroundings. So this list of 5 ways to simplify your life will help you stop the swirling of thoughts and overwhelm and bring it down several notches.

  1. Declutter your environment. This may seem like the silliest thing to focus on, but I can assure you, that if your life is not in order in the physical realm, you will continue to feel the chaos internally. Begin small and make sure your car is in order. Have it washed, vacuum the rugs, take out all the stuff that doesn’t need to be in there. Then start with one closet in your home. This also includes cleaning out your email, social media and keeping only those things that bring you peace and joy and love.
  2. Say “NO” to unnecessary obligations. This is a big one for women. But making sure you are only committing to things and events that you deeply care about, will ensure you are not over extending yourself. This time of ‘staying home’ can be a blessing in disguise if you have trouble saying no. Use this time to get very clear on what is most important to you and only focus on those things each day.
  3. Begin a journal. Write in your journal once or twice a day. Keep it simple. Keep track of your emotions and jot down the highlights of each day so you know what to keep your focus on.
  4. Choose healthy foods. Take baby steps if you need to in order to make the transition from eating not so good foods to healthier options. Once you clean out your pantry (see tip #1), you will feel more empowered to begin buying food that will uplift you instead of weighing you down.
  5. Move your body. Again, keep it simple. This is not to overwhelm you. A five minute walk in nature is a step in the right direction. Do a few stretches when you first wake up and before bed.

Understanding that a huge overhaul is not needed to transform your life can prevent further overwhelm. You’ve already experienced a huge change with the ending of your relationship or divorce. By using these 5 ways to simplify your life, you are practicing great self-care and self-love.

The best way to navigate the path from heartbreak to thriving is to stay in each moment. Focus on only what is right in front of you. It will help you to create a future that is better than any you could imagine as you focus on who you want to be in the present.

When we look to the future and imagine a different way of being and living, that itself can cause overwhelm. The point of power for the change you are seeking is right here, right now.

Wishing you so much love,


Positive Quote of the Day: “As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer