I know the ending of a relationship or marriage can cause massive fear. Change is happening whether you like or not. Most of the time, being thrust out of your comfort zone causes you to feel as if you are falling into a deep, dark abyss. It is difficult to see what’s ahead.
The time of uncertainty after a break-up or divorce can feel crushing and you may do anything to find safe ground.
But what if you could see this time of uncertainty as a time to uncover who you really are and what you are meant to be doing?
When you are swimming in the ocean and a giant wave is upon you, do you swim or just allow the wave to take you wherever it wants? The answer is both. You need to swim and position yourself on the crest of the wave just before it breaks and then you can let go and allow the wave to take you safely to shore.
It’s the same thing now.
You must swim first. Which means doing what must be done. Doing all that you have control over to keep yourself grounded and healthy, learning new skills if money is an issue post divorce and taking your time making decisions. When you have done all that you can control on the outside, it’s time to ride the wave from within.
Letting go and surrendering by going within and connecting to Divine Source will take you all the way home.
Suspend your fears and grief for a moment. What if all that was happening to you was to wake you up to other possibilities? What if you are being called to wake up to other choices you never would have thought of unless forced?
What if your relationship or marriage ending is because on some level it’s not what you had envisioned for yourself? Maybe you were just going through the motions of being in a relationship, but not relating on a deep and intimate level.
Maybe you’ve learned all you needed to from this relationship or marriage and you are being released to move on for your highest and greatest good.

There are deeper meanings here that need to be uncovered in order to embrace the change that your inner self is asking for. Understanding the meaning behind your pain and fear will help you step into your inner power.
You have all that you need within to change the course of your life right now.
When fear and uncertainty are staring you in the face, you must first turn inward and begin to focus on changing your inner landscape. When you do this, your outer world will change more easily and authentically. Focusing on who you are on a deep level and your emotions, essentially your reaction to outside events, is all you have control over anyway.
When you do your inner work and focus on bringing into your reality all that you desire from within your own heart, your life will change in ways that you may never have imagined.
This alone will help you navigate the journey from where you are right now, standing in fear and uncertainty, to creating a life you love.
After heartbreak, time may slow down a bit leaving you feeling vulnerable to all your fears, the uncertainty and unmet desires. These fears will come up and do everything they can to get your attention.
Don’t try to stuff it down. Breathe through it and face head on what is coming up for you.
The depression, anxiety, fear, heartbreak, anger and grief were and are all signals that change is needed.
Begin by asking yourself these questions.
Do you feel that life has passed you by and now you are too old to start over? Do you feel you have an unfulfilled dream that you keep attempting to ignore because you need to pay the bills and provide for your children now that you are a single mom? Do you feel that nothing ever works out and you are feeling defeated? Or are you in a panic because your life imploded like an earthquake hit it?
If you continue to try to find safe ground during this time of massive change and uncertainty, you will find it very difficult to navigate through it. Your SOUL is calling for you to examine how you’ve been living up until this moment. Read more here about Living with Uncertainty.
If you heed this call, your life will pivot, and you will be guided to step onto a new path. This new path will take you to a life you may never have imagined. Trust the process.
So even though you may begin to see the purpose of where you are standing right now, how do you navigate through the abruptness of it all?
Instead of panicking during this time of change and uncertainty in your life, it’s crucial to get to a place of peace from within. It sounds difficult but the way to do this is to stay in the present and focus on what needs to be done.
Do whatever needs to be done that you have control over and then turn to your inner self to find the peace you need during this time. The fastest way to calm yourself is to focus on your breath. Breathing in and out of your heart center while focusing on the word PEACE will quickly decrease your heart rate. You will feel calmer. It’s from this place of calm and stillness within that you will “hear” what your Divine Self is saying to you. Which brings us to the next key.
We always have access to Divine Source, Spirit, Higher Power, God or whatever name you use to call the Infinite, unseen energy all around us always. Prayer is direct communication with the Spirit world. Your intuition or inner voice is from Spirit leading you on your Divinely orchestrated path. If you want to experience a transformation in your life, trusting your intuition is the #1 key to doing it with ease and grace. Which leads us right into the next key.
Understanding your inner power is always about knowing you can CHOOSE your perspective and make choices that make you feel good everyday. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, you can choose how you see it. You can choose to look for the deeper meaning or you can continue to ignore what this all means and continue to make choices that do not serve you. Which leads us to the next key.

Doing the inner work means healing and releasing old limiting beliefs and thought patterns that have kept you playing small in life. This is the time to release the past for good. There are so many healing modalities and ways to go within and heal and release the past. Find one you resonate with. Examples are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), meditation, Divine Light healing, to name a few.
As an EFT practitioner, I can help you quickly release fear and grief that you may be struggling with in order to move forward in a powerful way and create what you truly desire in your life. LEARN MORE BY CLICKING THE BANNER BELOW.

Which leads us to the final key which is to understand the nature of your fear and resistance to change.
Understanding that we have a built-in mechanism that causes us to continue old patterns because it’s familiar and safe, will help you notice when you are stopping change from happening. There is nothing safe about continuing down the same path that is leading you nowhere. You will know by how you feel everyday whether you are on your purposeful path or if you are allowing fear to stop you from moving forward.
When you are heeding the call and trust your inner being, you will be led in the right direction. You will not be led astray. That may be how you’ve been living up until now. Most of the time you live by default. You wake up, do the same routine, go to a job you don’t like or that drains your energy. You may be feeling frustration and apathy.
You will know if your Soul is trying to get your attention by how you FEEL. You will know if you are not following your LIFE MAP because of how you FEEL. If you are feeling the emotions listed above such as fear, anger, depression, and anxiety, you will know you are not following your inner guidance. It’s okay to feel these feelings when your relationship or marriage has ended. It’s part of the healing process. But these emotions are also a way to get your attention to go deeper within.
If you are feeling these emotions on an ongoing basis, your Soul is trying to get your attention that change is crucial.
If you are full of life, energized and feeling peace and joy, you are living on purpose and this is a signal that you are living from a place of inner power. When you feel good, you will know you are on your SOUL-FULL PATH.
For further support, schedule an intuitive and dream-building breakthrough session for FREE HERE. In this session, we will uncover your greatest challenge to creating the change you most desire to help navigate this time of uncertainty. It’s FREE and a great way to step onto the path that is waiting for you. You will leave this session feeling renewed, re-energized and ready to move forward in a way you never have before. The time is NOW for transformation. There is no more waiting and putting things off until later. This session is a gift to give yourself.
Wishing you so much love,

Positive Quote of the Day: “When you become comfortable with uncertainty, Infinite Possibilities open up in your life.” -Eckhart Tolle