Being on a spiritual path does not mean your life will always work out. But when you are connected to Spirit and your Higher Self, it will always work in perfect Divine alignment.
When you think your life isn’t working, it could be because your heart and soul have a different plan than the one you are clinging to. We try so hard to make things happen in a certain way instead of tuning into the truth in our own heart. This is when life becomes a struggle.
I did this after I found out about my husband’s affair.
I clung tightly to my desire to keep my family intact. I white-knuckled my relationship, holding on for dear life, even though my heart and soul were trying to get my attention to see and feel the truth.
The truth was my marriage was over and I needed to move on so that I could re-build in a way that was more authentic.
I dug in my heels.
How many times have you dug in your heels when you’ve felt a need for change? Even positive change can feel scary. That’s why we hold on tight. This is a form of control. We would rather hold on with all our might to the familiar thinking this is our safety net, then let go and risk falling into a dark, unknown abyss.
But let me make it clear. Letting go when your heart and soul are leading you to do this, is the bravest thing you’ll ever do.
And you will not only feel your bravery, but you will find yourself floating instead of falling.
You may still not see the whole path in front of you, but as you drop down into your heart, trust what is there and take action based on what you hear, you will experience the joy that comes from living each moment. As you trust deeply, you will be guided on your path without you having to orchestrate every detail.
An important piece of this is to honor and nurture yourself.
When you feel that deep inner knowing that what your mind wants, but your heart and soul may not, you must pay attention. It can feel devastating at first even if it is for our highest and greatest good in the long run.
As you let go and descend into your deepest knowing, and you are beginning your journey into your deeper self, you will find that these 5 things occur.
You will feel a deep desire to be alone
You may feel a calling to spend more time alone. It’s during this time of loneliness, that you will be able to hear the quieter voice of your inner being. You may feel this desire to do this, yet reject it out of fear of the unknown. You may feel anxious and scared to sit still and be with only yourself. But taking this time to sit alone for even 5 minutes will help you see and feel that what you are fearing is an illusion. All the answers you need for your life are found within the sacred space of your heart and soul.
You will be drawn to silence and meditation
You may feel the deep urge to connect to Spirit and being in silence and a meditative state is the best way to slow down and connect. It is in this space that the answers you need will come.
You will begin to get excited about the new possibilities for your life
As you spend time alone, getting to know your deeper self and connecting to Spirit, you will begin to see other possibilities for your life that cannot usually be seen when you are trying to keep everything from changing. You may see possibilities that are so exciting and then question whether it can really happen. Trust what you see and feel. If you can visualize it, you can attain it.
You will begin to see synchronicity happening at a faster rate
Things in your life will begin to show up in perfect Divine timing. After heartbreak, there are so many fears and so many things to consider, that life can be so overwhelming. When you choose to let go and surrender and be guided from within, every last detail will be taken care of. You will be shown what to do each step of the way.
You will begin to feel more compassion for yourself and others
As you dive deep into your heart center, you will release fear and negative emotions which will open you up to feeling more compassion for yourself and others. This will create an opening in your world to attract people into your life that will support you on your journey and connect in deep, soul-satisfying ways.
If you can view the heartbreak and despair and fear you are feeling right now as a catalyst to dropping down into heart, your life will move forward in a way that is extraordinarily different from how you are living right now.
Trust your heart and soul as if your life depended on it.
Because your new life after heartbreak and divorce, the one your soul is beckoning you to begin, does depend on you following your inner knowing. There is no better way to navigate after heartbreak than being guided from within.
Sending you so much love,
Positive Quote of the Day: “Follow the voice of your inner knowing. It will lead you to where you are meant to go.” -Lisa Bruchac