Taking care of yourself is not a selfish act. After heartbreak and divorce, it’s an essential piece that needs to be addressed. If you are not taking great care of yourself, you will continue to wallow in the depths of despair. There are many ways we fall short and put ourselves last. Especially moms of young children, there is a laundry list-literally- that needs to be done EVERY. DAY. Taking time to care for ourselves may feel like just another task to do and that is why we don’t bother. But doing something that brings you fulfillment, contentment or joy daily or even weekly, is essential to living your purpose.
Making yourself a priority is the key to making the rest of your life work. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” Remember the airplane schpeel every time you fly? As parents we need to put on the oxygen mask first before our children so we can function. The same is true in everyday life. You MUST take care of yourself in order to take great care of your children.
This could be as simple as treating yourself to a massage. But sometimes even that feels like too much or we are so worried about finances, we can’t fathom the thought of wasting our money on something as frivolous as a massage. But guess what? It’s not frivolous. It could improve your overall health because it helps to reduce stress. That is just one of the many benefits of getting a regular massage. Even once every 2 months would be a treat you can look forward to.
There are so many ways you can focus on your own well-being. Each day, getting up even ½ hour before your kids could mean the world of difference to how your day unfolds.
Tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to create a life you love after heartbreak and divorce? Join the FYTE community and receive the FREE blueprint that shows you how to unlock the doorway to your new life as a perk of becoming a subscriber.
The following list is a bit different than your typical self-care tip ideas. I wanted to focus on what can bring you peace and contentment and get you closer to joy.
- Feel your feelings. When you are feeling anger, fear and grief, you may feel ignoring them, especially with your busy schedule, is the best way to let them go. But they will continue to try to get your attention until you tune in. Take some time to go right into whatever feeling is coming up for you in any given moment. Breathe right into the feeling and allow whatever you are feeling to be seen. You may find after several minutes, the intensity has significantly decreased. This is a loving, compassionate thing you can do for yourself which is part of great self-care.
- Focus on your breath. Take time each day whether first thing in the morning or later in the day before bed, to breathe slowly and deeply while focusing on your heart. Breathe in and out for at least 5 minutes. This will quickly shift your energy into being present to your body and surroundings.
- Pray and connect to the Divine. Prayer is a way to get you to stop and pause before making any decisions. And when you go within with your eyes closed and commune with God or a Higher Power, you connect to your infinite wisdom. This is the place within that the best decisions are made. Making good decisions will keep you on track to living your best life and taking great care of yourself.
- Move your body. Moving your body in any way you find that you enjoy such as running, jumping or yoga will keep the energy moving through your body and not getting stuck. Dancing to music is an extra step you can take to bring you joy. Exercise will also up your endorphin levels making you feel good.
- Create healthy boundaries with others. Setting up limits and boundaries with other people in your life including your ex, your children and family and friends, will set you on a path that serves your highest and greatest good. You teach people how to treat you and when someone is not treating you with respect and care, it’s important to communicate how you feel.
- Ask for support. There are so many areas of our lives as single women or single moms that we need support in, but never ask for help. This is a shame because when you do ask for help, the problem you’ve been fretting about for days, weeks or months, can be dissipated very quickly with the support from the right person.
- Write in your journal. Writing down your feelings each day will help you process this healing journey you are on. Things will be more clear as you process your emotions on paper.
- Get outside. Being in nature is so healing. Taking even 5 minutes to walk outside near the trees will help calm your mind and body. Try it and see for yourself.
- Limit access to social media. Social media has a way of sucking our time and energy and it can be difficult to decide to stop checking Facebook or Instagram. But being on these sites many times throughout the day does nothing for you and may cause feelings of apathy, lethargy and worse, making us feel awful about our own lives. Remember, the snippets of someone’s life does not represent how they are living or feeling. Take the Facebook icon off your phone and check in only every couple of days or longer if you can and see what happens to your mood and energy.
- Laughter is one of the best ways to raise your feel-good energy. I do love watching tv, but notice it’s the same with social media. It can waste so much time in your day. I limit access to tv as well and go days or weeks without turning it on. But once in a while, I watch a show that makes me laugh until I fall off the couch. Friends and Seinfeld are my two go-tos for when I need a pick me up.
If you are still struggling to find balance in your life after heartbreak and divorce, click here to schedule a FREE Heartbreak to Healing breakthrough session. It’s a session that will allow you to uncover your biggest block to moving forward and letting go of what is in your way to enjoying life again.
Choose one or more of the tips above to keep your energy high so you can move through your day with more ease. Sprinkle in bits of joy and you will be well on your way to putting yourself on a high priority list.
Wishing you so much love,
Positive Quote of the Day: “Radical self-care is what we’ve been longing for, desperate for, our entire lives-friendship with our own hearts.” -Anne Lamott
Ready to take your life to the next level and heal from heartbreak? I can help you release blocks that have been holding you back in life and that are stopping you from moving forward after heartbreak and divorce. I support my clients using intuition and energy healing to get to the root of limiting beliefs and toxic emotional patterns that are creating what they don’t want in their life and instead go on to create a life they love and adore. I have a few spots open for one on one coaching. Click here to apply.
Also, check out my exclusive Eguide, Heartbreak Recovery Kit: Your 30-Day Prescription to Happiness after Divorce.