I decided today to start a blog.  I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while and realized this morning what’s been holding me back.  It’s my critical internal voice.  It seems to rear its ugly head when I think about moving forward with my most cherished dreams.  Who is going to read my blog?  What if no one likes what I have to say?

I had the opportunity this morning to out by myself.  After spending some alone time in one of my favorite places, the bookstore, I felt completely inspired by my mission to help others clear away the negative beliefs that are stopping them from moving forward and living the life they were meant to live.  As I was about to drive home, I sent a text to my husband to let him know I was on my way.  What I wrote was, “I’m in my way.”  Yes, I thought laughing out loud; I’m the only one in my way.  What is stopping you from moving toward the life you always dreamed about?

Positive Quote of the Day:  “Change has long been a fearful thing for human beings…and at the same time, it is our most Divine opportunity.  Clinging to the banks of the river may seem safe and more secure, but life’s possibilities are truly engaged only when we trust, release and become part of The Flow of the Universe.”  –Chelle Thompson, Editor of Inspiration Line